Pasta pot


Quantity – for four
Cooking time – 30 minutes

1 onion
250 g brown champignons
1 carrot
200 g coconut milk
400 g crushed tomatoes
200 g green peas (can be frozen)
500 ml water
salt, pepper
1-2 tl red curry paste
250 g pasta
75 g Black GarlicThis very simple dish cooks comfortably in one pot. Add vegetables or meat you like

Chop the onion and split mushrooms. Heat oil in the bottom of pot, add the onion, mushrooms, salt and brown for some minutes (salt prevents onion from scorching). Grapple the carrot roughly. Pour coconut milk, crushed tomatoes and water to a pot, add grappled carrot and peas. Let it boil. Season with salt, pepper and curry paste. Put pasta into the pot as well and boil again, until it is pasta is al dente and most of the liquid is absorbed in pasta. Chop the cloves of Black Garlic finely and mix them with pasta. Serve immediately.

*Lactose free, vegan.

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