Salad with Black Garlic Mayonnaise


Mayonnaise is made from vegetables and is lactose free. Konsistentsi poolest sobib hästi ka määrdena kasutamiseks.
Quantity – for two

Cooking time – 20 minutes

Black Garlic mayonnaise:

100 ml soy cream
1 tsp honey
1 tsp mustard
salt, pepper
2 tbsp balsamic vinegar
250 ml mild flavored oil
2 bigger cloves Black GarlicPour the cream into a bowl or jar with high edges. Add honey, mustard, garlic cloves, balsamic vinegar and one third of oil. Start mixing the contents in the bowl with mixer to get the mayonnaise, dripping also the rest of the oil at the same time. Add some salt and pepper, if necessary.


1 small broccoli
200 g green peas
200 g red beans (canned)
200 g chick peas (canned)
1 big carrot
1 red onionPut the pot with water on the stove and let it boil. Cut broccoli into inflorescences, put them into boiling water and boil 2-3 minutes. Place the inflorescences on the sieve and rinse with cold water. Heat the water to boil, put the peas into water, boil for a minute and rinse with cold running water (doing so, they maintain a beautiful green color). Grapple the carrot roughly. Strain off the beans and chick peas. Slice the onion. Put all components into a bowl and mix with 3-4 tbsp of mayonnaise.

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